

Two days ago, i and a few of my family went to Bandung to say goodbye to my beloved cousin who's going to study there for college. Wonder who she is? She is my beloved E. c: First of all, you have to know is i am all alone since i was 15 years old. My lovely parents dumped me away from home to study better. Okay, they weren't dumped me for like dumped me you know, it's more like transferred me to another better place to study from my exact place. Then, since they did that, i have to leave my exact home and moved to another home here in Jakarta, which is my uncle and autie's home. Well for the truth, it has never been easy for not leaving with your parents, siblings, and old rules that you were used to be. Therefore, i usually made mistakes from the point of view of my new house members here and you can guess that chaos is mostly happen because of me. Me? I think the chaos that happened is not just because of me, i don't say this because i defend myself. But, it's because there're a few people in this house say so. For example like my super soulmate cousin, E and M. For the mostly time, they're the ones who explain to my adult house members about my thoughts. See! :D For the result is, i myself now is much more comfortable here and can communicate better in the house without them. But, even the house is much better than before, there's still some place in my heart that's wondering and searching for some love and happiness that i usually receive from my parents, brother, and oscar. :c It's not that the ones who're here now don't love me. It's just they're too conservative to show affection in touch and direct speech. I think that i just miss my usual way in showing and receiving affection in my real home. C': E is mostly there whenever i'm in "galau" mode : on because of whatever those are. She even let me hugged her when i needed some love an peace the most. I never not trusted her. I love her and successfully despite those situations that could make our relationship goes bad. Whatever with those adult attitudes nah! In the end of my word, i want to thank you for all those memories. c: Can't wait to see you again in Lebaran's Holiday hahaha. Be great there! See you! c:

PS : I had a fight with ** yesterday :c

*i'm gonna add some photos, maybe later on nah :D*

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