

okay, a few minutes ago my cousin asked his laptop back. but, suddenly he went to the toilet without having his laptop back yet. so, here i am still using his laptop to type and post this. time by time and minutes past, he's still in the toilet. man, what's he doing actually? o.O"

Beautiful Difference(s)


whatever your color, gender, age, identity, social status, and other differences are...

a true friend will never walk out from your life that easily

love your friends and cherish your friendship :)


A real friend is the one whom you can talk about almost anything without having a strange feeling even if you aren't in touch for quite a long time C:

that's what N said to me, and i think it's right. i really cherish yesterday for the quite quality time with N and birthday P C: i hope you guys are doing good with your life (/n -n)/

PS : actually, i still want to write much more, but because of my beloved cousin want to use his laptop, i must surrender right now. and he's the one who asked me to write about the content of this PS --"



Wikipedia mendefinisikan bahwa hibernasi adalah keaktifan dan penurunan metabolisme pada hewan yang ditandai dengan suhu tubuh yang lebih rendah, pernafasan yang lebih perlahan, serta kecepatan metabolisme yang lebih rendah. Hewan yang melakukan hibernasi berusaha menghemat energi, terutama selama musim dingin sewaktu terjadi kelangkaan makanan, membakar cadangan energi, lemak tubuh, dengan perlahan. Hibernasi dapat terjadi selama beberapa hari atau minggu, tergantung dari spesies, suhu sekitar, dan waktu. Hewan yang terkenal suka melakukan hibernasi adalah beruang.

Kenapa saya memilih topik ini untuk dibahas di sore bolong ini sambil mendekam di sini dengan lagu-lagu yang terus bergulir sebagai teman maya saya? Tentu saja semua itu ada alasannya bukan. Entah mengapa akhir-akhir ini saya selalu bangun pagi di atas jam 10 pagi (baca: bangun siang!), sedangkan di malam harinya saya tidur kurang lebih pukul 2 pagi dengan alarm yang telah diset untuk berbunyi pukul 7 setiap harinya. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya sudah kurang lebih selama semingguan ini saya mengalami perubahan rencana setiap harinya karena rencana di pagi hari saya GAGAL. Oke jd setelah membaca definisi mengenai hibernasi dan pengalaman saya, saya jelas bukan beruang bukan? Krik-krik, sampe berjumpa lagi!

WARNING : Tulisan ini tingkat kejelasannya untuk dibaca sama dengan nihil. Hanya keisengan belaka di kala bosan melanda.

Btw, ini ada komik tentang beruang lho. Katanya lucu. Kenapa katanya? Karena saya jg belom baca tuh.



playing fireworks : enjoying a few minutes flavor of 'heaven'

PS : and i just did it with W more or less a week ago c: it was FUN!


you have to know that i've just re-entried my latest blog just now because of the naughty font. why did i call it naughty just now? it's because i need a week to make the font, verdana, stay still. i already clicked the set up of the font, but i guess this f*ckin' system didn't work for my silly lappie. this one is my cousin's, not mine. okay, that's the unimportant thing that i wanna tell you about. i really like this font with this size, which is verdana-smallest c;


H * R D

H for heart broken
A for anonymous
R for regret
D for dear
dearest one,

what else is worse than having a broken heart full of regret

- by anonymous

PS: for me, heart broken here isn't just for couple love, but love in its' universal way