
whr s th lv?

dearest blog,
i have this insomic thingy again. i can't sleep. actually, i don't know whether i'm not sleeping now because of i can't sleep or i'm just sick of sleeping because i used to sleep like a buffalo recently. it has been such long weeks for me. i had many things that i wanna share to you. i dunno to whom i should talk in this hour except you. thx for being a loyal friend that always there whenever i wanna find you, never blame me when it's taking too long since i took a care of you back then, and the last is you never protest in anything that i have wrote. i owe you a big hug. ooh how i wish that i could hug you now.
among a lot things that have been happening lately, i wanna share you some about my love life. he, the one that has been my favorite to write about is not in a relationship with me anymore. this time, there is no more who is more right or more false in one another. this time, we knew that it was our false and maybe it's our time to realize that we're different, whether uncoincidencely we have a different kind of background and culture. bloggie, i dunno what should i do right know. i still love him, that's for sure. it's not easy to let someone that has been one of your priority in these two years just go away and turn back on you. no, it is hurt and it will be a big pain. and a thing again, breaking up is never easy to do. it takes risks. so, i guess i just go with the flow for not being stuck in some depression feeling. have some fun and still enjoying this life. my world is not going up side down, or even worst, end up because of this. ganbatte for me! and for everybody out there that may feel the same like i do.