

Leaving My Usual Path(?)

I don't wanna be your option, i wanna be the one who just popped out whenever you need someone to share with.
We used to be that close.
But, little by little you're apart from me in some way that you can't explain, and so can i.
What's wrong with us?
Did i do something wrong or else?
I've tried to speak to you, and it's not just once.
Where is your heart?
Do you still have it or you just go and throw it away as if you don't need it anymore?
I don't know, i just miss you somehow.
But, my life must go on and i need to leave you just like what you do to me (in a different purpose of course).
I guess i just don't *(need to) love you like i used to back there.

*Well E, i remember you when i write the last part. You always say not worth-to the-it everytime time i said something nicer about it. Thx! I guess maybe you're correct. :D
*Dearest blog, i can only talk to you in this moment. You know who i mean, and you know how much i need to express this thought and feeling. Thankyou.*

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