

Today is surprisingly good. Thx God! Actually, today i should meet someone that's important to me. But, apparently we had a fight and i decided myself for not seeing him for today until our situation is better. I commited that i was wrong. I'm sorry. I forgot something and we did have some miss communication back there. Double apology for that. Back there, i thought that today might be one of the unproductive day in my life. Unproductive which means i did nothing except breathing and eating to continue myself to live here still. But, it finally ended when i call someone to check whether she'll be here in any minute or not. Well, last night this girl and i made some appoinment to meet each other again in my house. Not yet i called her, one of my best friend asked me out to have some lunch and talk. But, after i explained few things to him, we agreed to have a meeting in the other day. C: Sorry N. Can't wait to see you in friday. Back again, so i finally called her and asked about her presence here, and she said that she would come. Hooray! A few minutes later, my lovely S arrive here. We had fun and talked things. :D We watch a cool movie, here's the link : http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/9ZrJqi/www.baekdal.com/design/logorama-pulp-fiction-for-brands/r:f. C: Watch it and you'll know why i, S, and S' boyfriend, A, like that. Thx S! My dearest S is not litterally
look alike like blow fish, but i called her that way in bahasa hehe. It's just a nick heart name actually. C: But, above there, there's a pict. of a blow fish if you never see it. Cute isn't it? C:

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